Upon hearing the famous story of the Prodigal Son, we may instantly feel a connection with one son or the other. Maybe we have strayed in our lives - or even intentionally walked away from friends, family, and home-and have been welcomed back despite feeling we didn’t deserve to be. Or perhaps we feel like the older son who has been working his tail off to do what he thinks is expected of him and then feels resentful when his wayward brother gets welcomed home. What if instead of focusing on one or the other sons, we focus on the father’s response to both of them in the parable?
The father has generosity and joy enough for both sons. He wants both at the party-not just the sinner or the do-gooder. He throws the party so the younger son knows he is welcomed home wholeheartedly, and he tells the older son “everything I have is yours.” In that society, what the father possessed did not belong to the sons until he died; they had no claim on it until after his death. So it is highly unusual for the father to give the younger son his part of the inheritance prematurely, and just as unusual for the father to tell the older son “It’s already yours.” The father wants to share all he has and celebrate his relationship with both sons equally. It’s not about favourites; it’s an invitation for everyone to join the party. Tax collectors and sinners were joining Jesus “at the party.” Will the Pharisees and scribes too?
Questions of the week
Who do you usually relate to in the parable of the Prodigal Son? Why?
Have you ever had an experience of being in the father’s position, either welcoming home a “sinner” or trying to convince a “righteous son” of your love for him too?