By Webmaster
March 8, 2025
The musings of one of God’s smallest creatures on events in and around the Parish over the past seven days . . . . Really very busy this time around as we prepared for the Lenten Season in various ways . . . . . . . Last Saturday morning Fr D met with the candidates and parents on this year’s First Eucharist Programme where they talked about the Offertory part of the Mass, looking at how we also give ourselves, our talents, to God at this point in the Mass. After the morning Masses on Sunday Fr D was collected and taken for lunch by a parishioner from a previous parish - lots of chat and reminiscence! Monday Fr D was doing the necessary shopping for the Parish ‘Pancake & Quiz Night’ which was taking place on Shrove Tuesday; he got some very funny looks with the number of pancakes in his trolley! Following Morning Prayer, Mass, and Exposition on Tuesday, Fr D was meeting with the daughter of a parishioner whose requiem is approaching to finalise the service. In the afternoon Fr D and Sarah were preparing the Parish Centre for the evening Parish Social. Fr D had a mental block about how to rewire the video projector to put the Quiz on the wall and resorted to a large television instead. A good time was had by all who attended and the profits from the evening will be added to our CAFOD Lenten Fast Day collection (along with the donations at our Lenten Soup Lunches). Wednesday was, of course Ash Wednesday (the beginning of Lent); after Morning Prayer, the imposition of Ashes, and Mass Fr D quickly wrote up the finances of the Quiz Night before he visited a local nursing home, where several Catholics are in residence, and celebrated the Ashes with them. In the evening Fr D celebrated the second Ash Wednesday Mass in the church. The numbers in attendance were, bizarrely, greater than occur on a Holy Day of Obligation (Ash Wednesday is not a Holy Day, of course)? After Morning Prayer and Mass on Thursday Fr D did not go down to Crawley as usual as his secretary at the diocesan offices was off sick; this was just as well as Fr D managed to get a whole lot of little bits completed that would otherwise have had to wait. Having celebrated Morning Prayer and Mass on Friday Fr D finished his parts of the newsletter and re-opened the church for Stations . . . .