The musings of one of God’s smallest creatures on events in and around the Parish over the past seven days . . . .
Again, not quite as mad busy around The Presbytery this week, although things began to ‘heat up’ as we neared the weekend . . . . .
On Sunday afternoon, after our morning celebrations of Mass, there was a celebration of the Evening Prayer of the Church and Benediction. This takes place on every Sunday of the Lenten Season and is an opportunity to spend some quiet time with the Lord, out of the normal hustle and bustle of life. The service is approximately 40 minutes in length.
On Monday (Fr D’s day off) there was a delivery of a new Paschal Candle Stand for use from this coming Easter. The stand matches the benediction candelabra and some of the flower stands and is black wrought iron in manufacture.
After Morning Prayer, Mass, and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Tuesday morning Fr D made a start on this week’s newsletter and dealt with some paperwork that had begun to buildup on his desk. In the later part of the afternoon Fr D got prepared for his meeting with this year’s Confirmation candidates in the evening. This session was about the Holy Spirit and the ‘Gifts’ and ‘Fruits’ of the Spirit.
Wednesday morning, following Morning Prayer and Mass, Fr D finished off his parts of the newsletter for this week and completed a Charity Aid Foundation form (six pages!) to allow someone (anonymous) to make a donation to the Parish Buildings Fund. He’s now waiting to see what transpires. In the evening Fr D began working on his homilies for Holy Week this year.
Having celebrated Morning Prayer and Mass on Thursday Fr D went off in the car to the diocesan offices at Crawley, he had not been for a couple of weeks because his secretary had been off sick. Several of his marriage cases had moved on slightly and were nearer to coming back to him for completion and there were several queries to be attended to. After leaving Crawley Fr D had a meeting of the Bosco Catholic Education Trustees to attend at a school on the south coast. By the time he got back home he just had supper and took himself off to bed.
After morning Prayer and Mass on Friday, Fr D worked on this weekend’s intercessions before joining parishioners at our Lenten Soup Lunch for CAFOD. Afterwards he was over in Ashtead for a meeting about the bishop’s Diocesan Pastoral Plan . . . . .