By Webmaster
August 15, 2020
First Reconciliation/Eucharist 2023/4 Application Forms for next year’s 1 st Reconciliation and 1 st Eucharist Programmes are now available from the Sacristy after our weekend Masses. Prospective candidates: · need to have been born before 31 st August 2016, · be in at least Year 3 when schools re-commence in September, · and, of course, be attending our weekend and Holy Day Masses along with their family. It is very difficult to imagine that someone who is not presently attending our community on a regular basis could possibly be prepared and ready to receive a sacrament within the next year. Parents ( not grandparents or friends ) should collect the application and it needs to be completed and returned by 31 st August 2023 (sorry, no late applications will be accepted).