The first reading from Exodus takes place with Moses standing at the burning bush. It is when God reveals himself to Moses and declares that he will lead them out of slavery into their own land. We can imagine Moses’ puzzlement when God reveals his name as the cryptic “I am who I am.”
The phrase in Hebrew, which gets translated into “Yahweh,” is a mystery to translators. The thrust of it seems to be that God is who God is, not who humans say God is. Also, there is a sense that God is in the present, not the past or future, but always present. In the Gospel of John, Jesus declares several times “I AM,” using the exact same words that God used in speaking to Moses. All of his listeners understood then that he was equating himself with God.
In the Gospel, John the Baptist and Jesus both had a sense of urgency about them. They were serious about spreading their message quickly: “Repent! The Kingdom of God is near!” They seemed to understand there was no time to waste. There were hungry people to be fed, people in need of healing, people suffering discrimination be cause of their culture or religion, people trapped in sin, and people used as pawns in unjust economic and military systems. There wasn’t time to stand around and wait for God to swoop in and make everything right in the world. Jesus came ready to do God’s work in the world, and he was eager for others to begin doing it with him “right now!”
Was Jesus impatient like the owner of the fig tree? Does he want results now? Or was he like the gardener, ready to demonstrate more trust and patience and give people more time to bear fruit?
Maybe Jesus was both. He has little time for laziness or excuses. But he also knows that as humans we take time to grow and mature. The point seems to be that Jesus wants to see movement. We all have a gardener tending to us and advocating for us, but will we allow ourselves to fruit? We don’t have unlimited time. Let’s start growing.
Questions of the week
• What do you think Jesus feels most urgent about in the world today?
• How do you need to begin bearing fruit in your life now?