The musings of one of God’s smallest creatures on events in and around the Parish over the past seven days . . . .
Things around The Presbytery are beginning to ‘hot up’ again as people start to prepare to go back at work and school . . . .
Monday Fr D had two quite lengthy telephone calls with his brothers and their families (before they start work again and whilst he had the time to do so).
On Tuesday, after celebrating Mass, Fr D spent time preparing for the New Year’s Day Liturgy - Intercessions, Hymns, and Homily. He was also trying very hard to fit the upcoming Confirmation programme into his diary because the actual date of the celebration has taken so long to be confirmed this year.He’s almost there now and should have the dates out to our candidates early next week.
Wednesday, Fr D was able to have a lie-in as the New Year’s Day Mass was not scheduled until midday (to give parishioners a chance to get over any late night partying!). After the celebration of Mass, with a good number of parishioners present, Fr D was having lunch with the sisters next door. When he came back to the housed after lunch Fr D started work on this week’s newsletter (his bits anyway).
On Thursday, of course things started to settle back to some semblance of normal routine after all the celebrations and ‘high-jinx.’ Fr D celebrated Mass (back to the normal timings) before picking up a file for a case he has to work on for the bishop; (a sad situation) that he’s been avoiding over the Christmas break but now needs to ‘knuckle-down’ on so that he’s ready for the end of January when the bishop wants to meet with him. Whilst taking a break from the case Fr D went back to the work that he thought he had saved on the newsletter only to find that something must have gone wrong and there was no trace of it! He was not best pleased at all! He was also working on some new instructions for our Extraordinary Ministers of Communion as to how to practically exercise their important ministry which begins at the 09.00 and 11.00 Sunday Masses (we do not have enough ministers who attend the 18.00 Saturday Mass in order to re-establish this ministry yet).
Friday (which actually felt like a Friday!), after celebrating Mass, Fr D finalised the Prayers of Intercession and notices for the weekend before heading off in the car for lunch with a parishioner . . . . .