When the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to the young 14 year old Bernadette Soubirous in 1858, Lourdes had little more than 4000 inhabitants. Between 11 February 1858 and 16 July of the same year, no less than 18 apparitions were recorded. Soon, pilgrims were flocking to Lourdes to see the Grotto of the Apparitions. In order to accommodate them and in line with Our Lady’s Message, several structures were built. The first one being the Crypt which was dedicated in 1866. Each year our Diocese takes sick pilgrims from all around the diocese on pilgrimage to the shrine where Our Lady appeared. 850 pilgrims consisting of the sick, doctors, nurses and young helpers travel from various points of the diocese by plane, coach, and train. These pilgrims mostly finance themselves but some are unable to cover all of the costs of such a trip and are able to apply to a bursary fund set up by the diocese. Next weekend, the first Sunday after the memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes there will be a Retiring Collection for the Diocesan Lourdes Fund which provides the finance for the bursaries. Those who pay Income Tax are able to Gift Aid donations using the special envelopes.