Luke reminds us that Jesus is from the town of Nazareth, a backwater village of about 500-1,500 people, most of whom were poor and illiterate. As part of the immensely powerful Roman Empire spread across the Mediterranean, Nazareth would barely have registered on the radar of the rulers of the day.
No wonder that the world was shocked to hear about an itinerant preacher from there who was attracting a great following. In John’s Gospel, we hear how incredulous this seems. When Philip told Nathanael about Jesus for the first time and mentioned he was from Nazareth, Nathanael burst out, “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” (Jn. 1:46)
But here is Jesus, already gaining fame and respect in the area, reading from the Old Testament scroll. (He’s from Nazareth, and he knows how to read!) He was not from the priestly class, yet by the time he comes back to Nazareth on this particular day, Jesus had already assumed the role of a religious teacher by speaking in the local synagogues. Then he reaches beyond that role and announces he is the fulfilment of Isaiah’s prophecy about the anointed one sent by God. This happens very early in Luke’s Gospel, and Jesus is starting off with a bold proclamation, unapologetic about his back ground and upbringing. He is setting the tone for the work he has come to do.
Questions of the Week
Who do you know from a back ground of no reputation who has made a positive impression or impact on you? Maybe they were from a tiny town, or went to a little known college, or didn’t go to college at all, or in some way rose above their station.
Which of Jesus’ lines about what he was anointed to do strikes you as most exciting or hopeful? Why?