It has become increasingly apparent that our present church sound system is certainly ‘past it’s best’ if not ‘on the way out!’ The present system was originally fitted in the church nearly thirty years ago (during Fr John McKay’s time) although there were ‘tweaks’ made later (during Fr Tony Clarke’s time).
A good sound system is one of the essentials for any faith community so that all can hear the word of God well (otherwise how could they possibly be expected to respond to it!).
Fr Daryl asked the sound engineers who fitted the present system all those years ago, and who have done work for him in three other churches, to revisit the church and quote for a new system which will hopefully takes us through another thirty years (or more!), and they have given us a quote for the necessary works:-
• Replacement of the present speakers & all new microphones
• Automatic mixer unit to control microphones independently; ancillary mixer unit to allow for extra devices at any stage; small mixer unit for musicians; renewal of choir hanging microphone; renewal of CD/Multimedia equipment (the Bishop’s Pastoral messages could be played once more); Bluetooth receiver allowing extra input options for music/sound; input socket for Digital Hymnal (when no musicians are available)
• Renewal of Induction Loop Driver (for those using hearing aids)
The costs to achieve all these works will be approximately £18,500 which is a lot but we are talking about very specialised equipment, not a household sound system. At this price over thirty years it is a cost of about £620 per annum.
Fr Daryl would like to invite parishioners to consider carefully the importance of a good sound system in the church and to think about contributing toward the costs involved. This can be done either by making a cheque (payable to the ‘Sacred Heart, Cobham’), placing it in an envelope marked ‘Church Sound System,’ and then posting it through the Presbytery letterbox; or, by using the online ‘JustGiving’ portal on our Parish Website (Our Parish > Support the Parish) - just click the ‘JustGiving’ ‘Donate Here’ button and follow the instructions.
(PLEASE NOTE : You do not have to give 15% to JustGiving - just change the figure to £1.00 using the drop down menu presented).
STOP PRESS - Fr Daryl has now asked the sound engineers to go ahead with the new system and would ask all parishioners to try and contribute something towards it over the next month or so.
Many thanks for considering this really important project in these difficult financial times.