The musings of one of God’s smallest creatures on events in and around the Parish over the past seven days . . . .
Again a slightly less hectic week around The Presbytery this time around . . . .
On Sunday evening Fr D was present along with other parishioners at the annual Christian Unity Week united service which this year took place at St Andrew’s Anglican church in Downside Bridge Road. Although a very cold evening Fr D was delighted to see a reasonable turn-out of Sacred Heart regulars for this important event in the calendar.
Most of Monday, even though it was technically his day off Fr D was working for most of the day on a ‘non-marriage’ case for Bishop Richard.
Following Morning Prayer, Mass, and Exposition, Fr D was again working on an important case for Bishop Richard until it was time to go for lunch once again with Fr Ruslan from Walton-OnThames. They have now made their lunch dates a regular occurrence - so much do they enjoy their time together - meeting on ‘neutral ground, in Esher.
In the evening Fr D was meeting with the Parish Finance Committee for the first of four meetings they have during the course of the year. This time they were looking back at last year’s figures and setting the budget for the coming year.
After Morning Prayer and Mass on Wednesday morning Fr D has a meeting with the diocesan IT Advisor concerning the telecommunications project in the Parish that they have been working on over the past nine months. We seem now to be ready to move away from BT and on to another quality provider as part of the scheme in order to futureproof our basic set-up and reduce overall costs. We will now be researching the offerings of these other providers to get the most appropriate deal.
In the afternoon Fr D began sorting out his parts of the newsletter as he knew that he could not be around on Friday to get anything done then.
Straight after Morning Prayer and Mass on Thursday Fr D was off in the car and down to the Diocesan Offices at Crawley where is was ‘crossing the last t’s and dotting the last i’s’ of his case for the Bishop, ready for a meeting on Friday.
In the evening Fr D was meeting with a young couple who are presently preparing for the Baptism of their third child. The baptism will be taking place before the season of Lent begins, as except for emergencies Baptisms are not celebrated during Lent . . . .