The musings of one of God’s smallest creatures on events in and around the Parish over the past seven days . . . .
Really very busy around The Presbytery this week, with Fr D dashing everywhere . . . .
On Saturday Fr D was with this year’s First Eucharist families as they met to look at the ‘second slice of the cake’ in preparation to receive the Eucharist - the ‘Liturgy of the Word.’ This looked at everything after the Opening Collect of the Mass through to the Homily (as well as the Penitential Act). This naturally led to a discussion about this section of the Mass being the presence of Jesus among us as we celebrate the Mass, in the Word of God.
At our 09.00 Mass on Sunday our Eucharist candidates were with us and they received their own copy of the Gospel that is being used for most of our Gospel Readings for this year (Luke).
On Monday morning Fr D delayed going off on his day off to meet with the Fire Protection Specialists who look after our fire detectors and emergency lighting across Presbytery, Church, and Parish Centre. Their report has given us a few extra jobs that need to be done where equipment is now past it’s ‘sell-by.’ They will provide a quote for the works as well as our own electrician and the works will be commissioned.
After Morning Prayer, Mass, and Exposition on Tuesday morning Fr D was off down to Crawley for another stint at his desk in the Tribunal. A few Decrees to be signed and a couple of queries to be addressed. He was able to leave a little earlier than normal which allowed him to get down to Shoreham where he was attending a Local Governors Meeting of one of the Primary Schools in the Bosco Catholic Education Trust. This was the school where he was once a governor (before the Academy Trust was formed by Bishop Richard).
Wednesday, after Morning Prayer and Mass, Fr D was making a start on this week’s newsletter (his parts anyway) knowing that time was going to be at a premium towards the end of the week. He managed to amend the ‘templates’ having had a recurring email address mistake on the information page pointed out to him. He also managed to get the Requiem Mass for Cathy Lewis sorted out ready for 26th February.
Following Morning Prayer and Mass on Thursday morning Fr D completed his parts of the newsletter for this week and got ready for a full meeting of the Bosco Trust Board he was attending in the afternoon . . . . .