The musings of one of God’s smallest creatures on events in and around the Parish over the past seven days . . . .
Quite a busy week for Fr D this time around (with many appointments and meetings not really Parish based but diocesan) . . . . . .
On Monday, as he felt he couldn’t put it off any longer, Fr D sat at his desk and completed his Income Tax form before lodging it with the Inland Revenue. Very seldom do the calculations lead to him having any liability to pay but you have to do it and effectively send off a blank return each year! Of course doing it takes up a fairly large lump of time . . . .
Following Morning Prayer, Mass, and Exposition on Tuesday Fr D was straight down to the diocesan offices in Crawley where there were some ‘exotic’ queries for him to attend to from people phoning in to the Tribunal since last week (- “How do I become unbaptised if I want to?). He then raced back home to be sitting by the telephone for someone who in the morning had to speak to him on the phone with something so important - he was disappointed as the phone call that was so urgent didn’t manifest itself! In the evening he was meeting with the parents of this year’s First Eucharist children to take them through the second section of the programme (the Liturgy of the Word) so that on Saturday they would be able to assist their child at the children’s session. This is what is known as ‘family-led’ catechesis, and is the preferred method of introducing children to the sacraments within the diocese. (Parents have promised to be the first and best of teachers to their child in the ways of faith at the child’s baptism - this means that it cannot be left to the school or the parish to do this. The parish provides the parents with the tools to teach their child.
On Wednesday, after Morning Prayer and Mass Fr D was following up on a few things with Sarah in the Parish Office before meeting with the electrician concerning his front door bell and the battery back-up (used during fire alarms) for the roller-shutter in the Parish Centre kitchen. He is going to try and obtain a new battery for the kitchen and will be coming back to rewire the door bell as there appears to be a break in the wire (probably in the door/wall). In the evening Fr D had a zoom lecture on Recent Rotal (Rome) Decisions in Penal Cases. It was taking place in Canada, hence the strange timing.
After Morning Prayer and Mass on Thursday Fr D was ‘stuck-in’ to the Newsletter for this week before going to Notre Dame School where he was interviewed by people Inspecting the RE of the school . . . . . . .