The musings of one of God’s smallest creatures on events in and around the Parish over the past seven days . . . .
Busy, busy, busy (I think that things are beginning to start up again!) . . . . .
Present with us at our morning Mass last Sunday there were four families presenting their infants for the ‘Rite of Welcome,’ an integral part of our Parish Baptism Preparation Programme. Replacing the normal Penitential Act at the beginning of Mass this Rite both demonstrates the wish of the families that their child becomes a part of the Catholic Church within our community and announces to our community the presence of these infants. The Rite is celebrated after the families have had their first preparation session and before their second session which will lead to the celebration of Baptism, usually at 12.30 on the scheduled Sunday but during the present COVID restrictions at our Sunday Mass.
After celebrating Morning Prayer and Mass on Tuesday morning Fr D left the Blessed Sacrament exposed on the altar until 11.00 for personal private prayer. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament for private prayer is encouraged by the Church but in order for it to go ahead there must, obviously, be several parishioners who will be using the opportunity - if not then it cannot take place. In the afternoon Fr D had a meeting (on Zoom) with members of the Governing Bodies of schools which are part of the BOSCO Catholic Education Trust; then, straight afterwards, a final meeting with the parents of this year’s First Eucharist children. At present Fr D is trying to sort out all the various dates for next year’s catechetical programmes within the Parish (Infant Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, Confirmation); fitting the dates in whilst trying to avoid school holidays at the same time and keeping uppermost the particular seasons of the Church’s Liturgy is quite an undertaking and requires constant ‘rejigging’ in his diary. As soon as he has got dates that work he will make the necessary announcements in the newsletter. Once the parents had departed Fr D was treated to some very tasty comestibles and a pitcher of Pimms by the sisters - these he enjoyed whilst watching the second half of the big football match!
On Wednesday as soon as Morning Prayer and Mass were celebrated Fr D was jumping in his car to get down to the Tribunal Office in Bishop’s House, Hove.
This weekend our First Eucharist children will be joining us once again at our Sunday Mass as they receive their individual First Eucharist Certificates (he has also asked them to think about becoming servers at Mass now that they have celebrated their First Eucharist) . . . . .