The musings of one of God’s smallest creatures on events in and around the Parish over the past seven days . . . . A busy and noisy week around The Presbytery this week . . . . . Monday morning the builders were at the front door early in the morning, just as Fr D was finishing his breakfast. Having stripped out most of the old guest bathroom at the end of last week they were hoping to get on with things but were slowed down by the discovery that there was evidence of no fewer than three sets of water pipes - lead, iron and copper! These showed the history of The Presbytery (all very interesting) but also presented a problem as to how the water/heating system worked in the house! The actual plumber was not due to come until Wednesday so the builders spent time taking out lots of empty/unused pipework (Fr D thought that there were miles and miles of it piling up outside!). Tuesday was the quietist day of the week as the builders were not in whilst they waited for the plumber. Fr D was able to spend some time working on homilies for the Lenten season but was disappointed not to be able to do much about Easter as we do not know at present where we will be come Easter and the Covid situation. Wednesday the workmen were at the front door early in the morning again and the plumber was with them to start work on sorting all the pipes out and preparing the pipes for the new bathroom suite. By the end of the day there was still more old piping piling up outside, lots of it (especially the iron pipework) really badly choked with sediment. At the end of the day the work situation meant that the house did not have any heating for the night (good job it wasn’t last week!), and Fr D switched the immersion heater on for the first time since moving in, so that he had the water for the shower. During all of this, of course, Fr D celebrated two Masses with the blessing and distribution of Ashes for Ash Wednesday - both of the Masses were well attended (with more parishioners present than at the weekend prior). Thursday and Fr D, who had obviously got ‘into the groove,’ was at the front door waiting for the builders and plumber when they arrived to continue working on the pipes. At the end of the day Fr D noticed, with some glee, that the ‘spaghetti junction’ of pipes that used to surround the hot water tank had now been reduced to less than half of what it was before. Friday and Fr D was quite excited to begin to see the outline of a real bathroom taking shape as tiling was going up and a towel rail mounted; the floor was also now fixed once more to the joists and didn’t wobble when he tried to walk on it! The works will have to continue into next week, mainly due to the pipework hold-ups .