The musings of one of God’s smallest creatures on events in and around the Parish over the past seven days . . . .
Slightly less of a busy week around The Presbytery this time around as things begin to settle after Christmas, New Year and schools returning . . . . .
Last weekend saw two liturgical sacramental celebrations at our Sunday Masses. At our 09.00 Mass our candidates for First Eucharist in June were enrolled into the programme, with their parents they renewed the baptismal promises made by their parents for them at their baptism and our community promised to pray for them as they take this important step in their life of faith. At our 11.00 Mass the community took note via the Rite of Welcome of the presence of an infant whose parents and godparents are preparing for baptism just before Lent begins. Fr D had a parishioner from Reigate Parish come over to take him out for lunch.
Monday was Fr D’s monthly Ministry to Priest’s Support Group day; this time he was off down to his old Parish on the coast where one of his group has retired to. They met in the local church for an hour’s prayer before the Blessed Sacrament before retiring to a local hostelry for lunch. In the latter part of the afternoon they were able to share life experience from the past month in their respective parishes before finishing the day with Evening Prayer of the Church and making their way home.
After celebrating Morning Prayer, Mass, and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Fr D was off in the car down to Crawley where he had several decrees from various cases awaiting his signature. In the evening Fr D was meeting with prospective candidates and their parents in the Parish Centre for the launch of this year’s Confirmation Programme. Normally this would have been done back at the end of the Autumn but the Bishop had not released the date of Confirmation until the middle of December.
Following Morning Prayer and Mass on Wednesday morning Fr D made a start on this week’s Newsletter (his bits anyway), glad to be back to Ordinary Time (green) once more. Having noticed that Waitrose had Easter Eggs, somewhat previously, on their shelves on 27 th December, he was mortified that in the early part of the week he had received flyers and emails concerning Easter Goods for the church - Palm Leaves, Paschal Candles, and Wax Motifs! In the afternoon he set about working out where best value was to be found in these items and placed orders accordingly (but with a heavy heart) . . . . .