The musings of one of God’s smallest creatures on events in and around the Parish over the past seven days . . . .
Another busy week around The Presbytery as we begin our remote preparations for the great Easter ceremonies at the end of Lent . . . . .
Last Sunday morning members of our Parish Gift Aid Scheme, who use weekly envelopes, were able to collect their next year’s supply of envelopes from our Gift Aid Organiser. Many thanks to these and all our Gift Aid Scheme Members who have joined the scheme, it makes a big difference financially to the Parish, with a further 25p coming from HMRC for every pound donated. Sunday afternoon we celebrated the first of this Lenten Season’s Evening Prayer of the Church and Benediction services. This short service (about forty minutes) gives parishioners to join with the rest of the universal Church in celebrating the ‘Prayer of the Church’ as well as some quality time before the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament - time out from the normal hustle and bustle of daily life.
On Monday Fr D was ‘playing host’ to his Ministry to Priests Support Group. They met at midday in the church, spending an hour before the Lord, before celebrating the Prayer of the Church, and retiring to a local hostelry for lunch. In the afternoon they spent time reviewing life since the last meeting and sharing experiences in ministry. The day ended with Evening Prayer and all returning to their respective parishes.
After Morning Prayer, Mass, and Exposition on Tuesday Fr D took off in the car with Fr Tony to Epsom where this months Deanery Clergy Meeting was taking place. It was a packed agenda this time round with substantial discussion taking place concerning aspects of the Diocesan Pastoral Plan in our area. There is an enormous amount contained in the plan that the bishop has put forward and it will mean major changes in the way in which our respective communities operate going into the future. In the evening Fr D met with this year’s Confirmation candidates for their next session as they prepare to be confirmed by the bishop in May.
Wednesday evening our singers and musicians met once more, preparing for the services of Holy Week at the end of Lent. They would be delighted if any further parishioners wanted to join them at their rehearsals (scheduled as follows - Sat. 22/3 10.30, and Tue. 15/4 19.30).
Don’t forget that during the Lenten Season parishioners are invited to take part in the traditional ‘Way of the Cross’ devotion at 12.30 on Fridays; there is a bread and soup lunch afterwards in aid of CAFOD . . . . .